how to earn money through blogging Archives - Affiliate Marketing Coach Get An Affiliate Marketing Coach Sun, 18 Jul 2021 10:05:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Earn Money Through Blogging Sun, 18 Jul 2021 10:05:36 +0000 If you’re wondering how to earn money through blogging, this one’s for you! Blogging is a great way to earn money once it starts working. But before you get to this point, there’s plenty of work to do. Ideally choose a blogging topic you would love to write about for a good, long time! If … Continue reading "How To Earn Money Through Blogging"

The post How To Earn Money Through Blogging appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Coach.

If you’re wondering how to earn money through blogging, this one’s for you! Blogging is a great way to earn money once it starts working. But before you get to this point, there’s plenty of work to do. Ideally choose a blogging topic you would love to write about for a good, long time! If you choose a topic only for the money, you can easily give up way too soon when you’re having to come up with ideas for your blog.

Writing about a passion or a hobby you love is way easier than writing on a subject you know nothing about. So at least chose a topic you have an interest in if you want your blog to be successful.

How To Earn Money Through Blogging

Blogging is a slow strategy to make money from the internet. But it can be done if you put your back into it and have a long term focus. A blog will usually take some time to start generating traffic, depending on how you go about it. To turn that traffic into money is done through a couple of main strategies:

  • Affiliate marketing – align your blog with other people’s products which are a good match for your audience and topic.
  • Advertising – place adverts on your site and earn from the clicks. Google Adsense is a commonly used advertising program used by bloggers.

But the all important thing with a blog is getting that much needed traffic in the first place. With it, you won’t make a thing! You can get traffic to your blog in a number of ways but it all starts with your content. Once you have created content, you can create more and more. What you do with your content and how you put it together will have an impact on your results. But also, the topic you choose will too! Some topics are more competitive than others and your choice of topic will definitely have an impact on how much and how quickly you will attract an audience.

How To Earn Money Through Blogging – Content Creation

Your content is likely going to be the most important factor in generating income from blogging. If nobody likes your content, they are less likely to share it and tell others about it. Google, and the other search engines are less likely to rate it and give it authority. Then, it’s less likely to rank and get free traffic from the search engine optimisation (SEO). So everything starts with creating quality content which is useful for the reader.

To help you write SEO friendly content it’s useful to use an SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO. This can help you write content which is optimised for the search engines. Once you have created some content, you should also share it as much as possible. Don’t expect people to find your content unless you have promoted it. You can get a couple of plugins for your website to help this effort:

  • Revive old posts – is a post sharing plugin which automatically syndicates your posts to social media platforms.
  • Social media share icons – lets visitor easily share your content throughout social media platforms with a single click.

How To Earn Money Through Blogging – Long Tail Keywords

Another tool you can use to help write content which has less competition than most is through using Google’s free keyword planner. By finding long tail keywords on the planner which relate to your topic, you can more easily get your content listed on the search engines. To find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty, type your main keywords into the planner and look for the less popular keywords which have less monthly views.

how to earn money through blogging

By comparing the shorter keyword phrases to the longer ones, you can determine which ones are a better bet to create content around. With certain keyword phrases, you can gain more attention from Google and other search engines once they pick up your content. Shorter more popular phrases tend to be much more competitive and as such you’ll have a harder time getting free traffic from them.

Using BuzzSumo For Article Titles is a useful resource too for bloggers and content marketers. With, you can look for content ideas in your own specific niche and find those which are trending on the social media sites.

By creating content which mirrors the popular blog titles which perform well, you can “piggyback” on those successful articles and content which have already proved successful in terms of getting shared and going viral. Plus, you can also use content which does well to model your own content on.

how to earn money through blogging

Blogging For Profit – Email Marketing

Blogging is a great way to earn money but it can be tough at first. To monetise your website in the best possible way you should build an email list and offer affiliate products to your subscribers. Give away something useful to your blog visitors on your blog in exchange for their email address. Consider also use recurring income affiliate programs which give you an ongoing income from each sale. High ticket affiliate products are also a consideration too, but most importantly your choice of products should reflect the topic of your blog. If you offer products which aren’t aligned with your visitors interests, it’s unlikely you’ll sell anything!

An email list allows you to keep in touch with website visitors over a longer period of time. Trying to sell things directly from a website can be tough, because you only have a few minutes to win a customer over from a blog. But once they are on your email list, you can build a longer term relationship with your visitors and gain trust through providing value to them.

See also the power of email marketing.

See also my about me page for more information on what’s on offer here!

The post How To Earn Money Through Blogging appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Coach.

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